Professor Abeke Adesanya.
(Being the text of a talk delivered by during the YEMMYCARE Senior Citizens Forum, held on Monday February 14, 2022)
The issue of aging has, as a matter of fact, not been seen as a governmental concern in developing countries, hence no policy statements have been made about it. But in recent times, with good living standard brought about as a result of teaching and learning, longetivity is becoming noticeable as it affects economy, value and moral. Older people are able to pass information, cultural values to the younger ones because they are still there. Unlike in days past when older ones were burden to their relations, these days they are being seen as agents of cultural continuity to the younger generations. For this reason and lots of others, it is important that everything possible should be done to ensure that they are kept abreast with every development so that the up and coming generation can always reap the benefit of their life experience.
Furthermore, the ageing population is on the rise both in developed and developing countries. Burton (2016). Reports highlight that around the year 2050, the world’s population will increase to about 2 billion, and this will post a significant challenge in the countries across the globe. Amiri (2018). The population of the elderly are likely to be tripled within a space of time. For instance in 1980, there were 259 million elderly, by the year 2025 they will be about 761 million and as early stated by the year 2050 they would have risen to about 2 billion.
As earlier observed the care of the elderly, in developing countries is seen as the responsibilities of the family. Whereas if efforts are put in place to care, educate this age cohort that those who are sixty years and above, the country is likely to benefit in terms of moral behaviour of younger ones and even harvest some economic gains. It is in line with this view that attempt is being made to examine some symptoms of old and suggest some means of ameliorating a few of them. Further efforts will be put in place to sanitize the attention of government, NGOs individuals such as Yemi elderly to the plight of this group of people
Elderly people face numerous challenges such as physical, emotional psychological, financial, social and what have you. The following symptoms noticeable by individuals at varying degrees are indications that one is ageing. For example, when one starts to notice
> subtle short term memory changes;
> difficulty in finding the right words during conversation.
> changes in mood (moody most of the times);
> apathy;
> confusion
> a failing sense of direction;
> being repetitive;
> difficulty following story line and so on and so forth.
Our concern in the course of this narrative is finding a means of addressing these challenges without altering the chronological calculations. Specifically attaining an healthy the status of what is known as ‘healthy ageing’,
Healthy Ageing
Healthy ageing means continually re-inventing oneself as one passes through landmark ages such as 60, 70, 80, and beyond. It means finding new things one enjoys, learning to adapt to changes staying physically and socially active and feeling connected to ones community and loved ones.
What is to be done?
One must learn to cope with change as one ages. There will be periods of joy and stress. It is important to build ones resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges. This ability will help one to make the most of the good times and keep ones perspective when times are tough.
For the purpose of today’s talk, we shall all take a look at the following old age set backs which could be a hindrance to our aim of healthy ageing;
* Mobility – as much as possible we should be mobile. Not necessarily driving our vehicles, but paying visits to our friends and relations in the best safe mode.
* Wellness – In addition to taking our medicine as at when due, we should make sure that our diet are commensurate with our body chemistry and taken at the due times. Avoid harmful eating just because they are available or because we love them.
* Injury – As much as possible avoid falling down either from the staircase or on our beds, birth rooms. These have to do with our floor tiles, surrounding and our steps. Forget about the quick short steps rather take the short slow steps.
* Loneliness – Make reliable new friends; your old friends may now not be around. Join good groups where you will be introduced to new people of like age and minds.
* The old adage of not teaching old dogs new tricks is no longer acceptable in this age of technology. Keep abreast with new developments. Learn new tricks and languages of the times. Change is constant. We must move with times.
* Family health history – Knowledge of the type illness that runs in the family is very important. Some of these so called illnesses are mere myth which with knowledge can be obliterated from ones mind.
With all of these precaution, we are likely to reach the age of one hundred years hale and hearty. Work and pray and aspire to be source of happiness to your children and dependants as against being sorrow and anxiety.
Great article Thank you very much